World leading diesel engine pump manufacturer
Concentric AB has been able to claim
Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) equating to 20% of the purchase price of an
Aqua-Save Junior 2 from aqueous component cleaning specialist MecWash, following certification from Defra.

The Aqua-Save waste wash water recycling system was
integrated into a MecWash Midi parts washing system at Concentric’s main manufacturing plant in Birmingham last year to maintain the quality of the wash and rinse solutions, and reduce the number of times the tank needs emptying and refilling.
Evidence of a significant reduction in water consumption, equating to 1,000s of litres since the installation, has resulted in the award of a ‘
Certificate of Environmental Benefit’ - enabling Concentric to claim the ECA.
Ram Kumar, Concentric’s Environmental and Fluid Care Manager, comments, “The Aqua-Save has helped us to reduce our business’ impact on the environment which is something we are very proud of, and this certification has brought us considerable financial savings which we are obviously pleased with!”
Concentric’s commitment to the environment resulted in the company working with
Ricardo-AEA[SA1], a global sustainability consultancy responsible for delivering the
ECA Water Technology List on behalf of Defra and HM Revenue & Customs. Richard Malloy is a Senior Water Management Consultant at Ricardo-AEA and the Project Manager for the Water Technology List. He has specific expertise in business water efficiency and water efficient technologies, and was particularly impressed with both the Aqua-Save system and Concentric’s approach to water efficiency.
Richard says, “The Water Technology List aims to support businesses who invest in technologies that enable on site water reuse; reducing water demand, and embedding sustainable practices in everyday water-using business activities. Concentric was able to provide evidence of this, and we are pleased to issue them with a Certificate of Environmental Benefit.”
The compact Aqua-Save Junior 2 is capable of producing 10-15 litres of clean water per hour – ensuring the wash and rinse solution quality remains consistent, and reducing downtime caused by contaminated wash water and the need to dispose of waste coolant. It helps organisations to achieve significant cost reductions by using lower volumes of water and coolant, as well as minimising off-site waste disposal costs.
MecWash Managing Director, John Pattison, says, “Aqua-Save systems are eligible for ECA when 40% or more of the recovered waste water is reused. The ECA scheme offers a 100% first-year allowance for investments in certain water efficient plant and machinery, enabling businesses to write off the total cost of qualifying equipment against taxable profits in the year of purchase. This means that not only does it make environmental sense to install an Aqua-Save, it also makes financial sense.”
Ram continues, “Concentric is committed to the prevention of pollution and systematically works to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and those of its suppliers.
“The company has reduced its carbon footprint by using green energy, eliminating hazardous waste, recycling oil, cleaning waste water and separating waste streams to minimise landfill, as well as converting to re-usable packaging. All Concentric manufacturing facilities are certified to the ISO 14001 environmental management standard or are working towards it.”
Find out more by visiting or
click here to view a short animation showing how the Aqua-Save system works.